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This questionnaire aims to know the way you feel or express love for your partner.


This questionnaire aims to know the way you feel or express love for your partner.

Please express to what extent each of the following statements ADJUST to your USUAL WAY of feeling, expressing LOVE, and behaving as a COUPLE (if none does, imagine how you would behave or how you have done it before). Please do not leave any sentence unanswered.

1 When I feel that something is going wrong between me and my partner, I see everything very negatively, my stomach suffers, and I even tend to fall into depression. -
2 I have always hoped that there would be friendship with the people I have had a romantic relationship with. -
3 I hide things from my partner, so that they would not hurt him/her -
4 When I'm in love, I'm so in love that it's hard for me to concentrate on something else -
5 My partner would get angry or upset if he/she knew how I had acted with other couples -
6 When choosing a partner it is crucial to know if they will be a good father/mother -
7 If I feel that my partner is ignoring me, I get so nervous that I sometimes do strange or weird things to get his/her attention -
8 I tend to feel that my partner and I are made for each other -
9 I have always helped my partner in difficult times, without expecting anything in return -
10 Having a partner, I have had romantic dalliances quite easily -
11 I have tried to plan my life carefully before choosing a partner to share it with -
12 From the beginning I noticed that physically he/she was my type -
13 It would be difficult for me to say when my partner and I fell in love -
14 What is mine is also my partner's, and he/she can use it as he/she sees fit -
15 I tend to feel that there is “chemistry” with my partner from the beginning -
16 It is important to know if he/she is the type of person I like before getting emotionally involved -
17 I have been willing to sacrifice my own desires so that my partner could achieve his/hers -
18 I make love intensely and fully from the beginning -
19 Because of my partner I am able to endure everything -
20 Feeling that my partner is becoming dependent tends to set me back from my relationship -
21 To commit to a person as a couple, it is important to know if they will fit in with my friends or with my social life -
22 It's hard for me to fall in love if I don't feel affection first -
23 Sometimes I have had to prevent my partner from finding out about the existence of other romantic relationships -
24 I have not been able to feel happy until I have put my partner's happiness ahead of mine -
25 I feel attracted to my partner from the first moment -
26 Really, love is nothing mysterious or mystical to us, but rather a deep friendship -
27 Before committing to someone, I think carefully about how their character will influence the children we have -
28 I feel that I don't need words to understand myself with my partner -
29 When choosing a partner, I think it is better to love someone who has a cultural and social level similar to mine -
30 When my relationship breaks down, I tend to feel desperate, I fall into deep depressions, and sometimes the idea of ​​suicide has even crossed my mind -
31 It would have been difficult for me to say the exact moment when friendship with my partner turned into love -
32 I have preferred to suffer than for my partner to suffer -
33 If I see my partner talking to other women/men or if he/she talks to me about them, I can't help but feel the pang of jealousy -
34 My most satisfying romantic relationship(s) have emerged from a previous good friendship -
35 I like to flirt with people even when I have a partner -
36 I have tried not to commit too much to my partner -
37 I tend to feel like I can't control my thoughts, I feel obsessed with my partner -
38 I have thought (and I think) that the best love is the one that arises from a good and/or long friendship -
39 I have believed (and I believe) that to choose a partner it is very important to know beforehand how he or she will fit in with my family -
40 I feel that my love is total and unconditional, even if my partner gets angry with me -
41 I feel the need for my partner to know absolutely everything about me (past, present, thoughts, fears, hopes) and for me to know everything about him/her -
42 I get emotionally and physically involved from the first moment -
43 Please rate from 0 to 100 how satisfied you are with your partner -


This questionnaire evaluates your way of being and feeling; that is, your personality. It analyzes five major basic personality traits.

Below you will find a questionnaire that consists of 10 statements (items) that may describe you to a greater or lesser extent. Each of the 10 items or statements contains two traits or characteristics.

To answer, think about how much you agree or disagree with the statement about those characteristics or traits, even if one of them reflects you better than the other. Please, to estimate your level of agreement, use the following scale:

Disagree strongly - Disagree moderately - Disagree a little - Neither agree nor disagree - Agree a little - Agree moderately - Agree strongly

Please answer honestly. Keep in mind that there are no ways to be good or bad. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers. Respond with the utmost sincerity, and do not leave any item or statement unanswered.

1 Extraverted, enthusiastic: -
2 Angry, argumentative: -
3 Reliable, self-disciplined: -
4 Anxious, easily upset: -
5 Open to new experiences, multifaceted: -
6 Reserved, quiet: -
7 Understanding, affable: -
8 Disorganized, careless: -
9 Serene, emotionally stable: -
10 Traditional, with “feet on the ground”: -

Please answer all questions before moving to the next page.

This is the interpretation of the results based on your answers.

Your style of loving is .

In what facets does your style of loving stand out?




As for your personality, compared to other people, your answers suggest that you may be a person who tends to be:

Coach sentimental en Madrid | Estilos de Amor | Contacto


This questionnaire aims to know the way you feel or express love for your partner.


This questionnaire aims to know the way you feel or express love for your partner.

Please express to what extent each of the following statements ADJUST to your USUAL WAY of feeling, expressing LOVE, and behaving as a COUPLE (if none does, imagine how you would behave or how you have done it before). Please do not leave any sentence unanswered.

1 When I feel that something is going wrong between me and my partner, I see everything very negatively, my stomach suffers, and I even tend to fall into depression.
2 I have always hoped that there would be friendship with the people I have had a romantic relationship with.
3 I hide things from my partner, so that they would not hurt him/her
4 When I'm in love, I'm so in love that it's hard for me to concentrate on something else
5 My partner would get angry or upset if he/she knew how I had acted with other couples
6 When choosing a partner it is crucial to know if they will be a good father/mother
7 If I feel that my partner is ignoring me, I get so nervous that I sometimes do strange or weird things to get his/her attention
8 I tend to feel that my partner and I are made for each other
9 I have always helped my partner in difficult times, without expecting anything in return
10 Having a partner, I have had romantic dalliances quite easily
11 I have tried to plan my life carefully before choosing a partner to share it with
12 From the beginning I noticed that physically he/she was my type
13 It would be difficult for me to say when my partner and I fell in love
14 What is mine is also my partner's, and he/she can use it as he/she sees fit
15 I tend to feel that there is “chemistry” with my partner from the beginning
16 It is important to know if he/she is the type of person I like before getting emotionally involved
17 I have been willing to sacrifice my own desires so that my partner could achieve his/hers
18 I make love intensely and fully from the beginning
19 Because of my partner I am able to endure everything
20 Feeling that my partner is becoming dependent tends to set me back from my relationship
21 To commit to a person as a couple, it is important to know if they will fit in with my friends or with my social life
22 It's hard for me to fall in love if I don't feel affection first
23 Sometimes I have had to prevent my partner from finding out about the existence of other romantic relationships
24 I have not been able to feel happy until I have put my partner's happiness ahead of mine
25 I feel attracted to my partner from the first moment
26 Really, love is nothing mysterious or mystical to us, but rather a deep friendship
27 Before committing to someone, I think carefully about how their character will influence the children we have
28 I feel that I don't need words to understand myself with my partner
29 When choosing a partner, I think it is better to love someone who has a cultural and social level similar to mine
30 When my relationship breaks down, I tend to feel desperate, I fall into deep depressions, and sometimes the idea of ​​suicide has even crossed my mind
31 It would have been difficult for me to say the exact moment when friendship with my partner turned into love
32 I have preferred to suffer than for my partner to suffer
33 If I see my partner talking to other women/men or if he/she talks to me about them, I can't help but feel the pang of jealousy
34 My most satisfying romantic relationship(s) have emerged from a previous good friendship
35 I like to flirt with people even when I have a partner
36 I have tried not to commit too much to my partner
37 I tend to feel like I can't control my thoughts, I feel obsessed with my partner
38 I have thought (and I think) that the best love is the one that arises from a good and/or long friendship
39 I have believed (and I believe) that to choose a partner it is very important to know beforehand how he or she will fit in with my family
40 I feel that my love is total and unconditional, even if my partner gets angry with me
41 I feel the need for my partner to know absolutely everything about me (past, present, thoughts, fears, hopes) and for me to know everything about him/her
42 I get emotionally and physically involved from the first moment
43 Please rate from 0 to 100 how satisfied you are with your partner


This questionnaire evaluates your way of being and feeling; that is, your personality. It analyzes five major basic personality traits.

Below you will find a questionnaire that consists of 10 statements (items) that may describe you to a greater or lesser extent. Each of the 10 items or statements contains two traits or characteristics.

To answer, think about how much you agree or disagree with the statement about those characteristics or traits, even if one of them reflects you better than the other. Please, to estimate your level of agreement, use the following scale:

Disagree strongly - Disagree moderately - Disagree a little - Neither agree nor disagree - Agree a little - Agree moderately - Agree strongly

Please answer honestly. Keep in mind that there are no ways to be good or bad. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers. Respond with the utmost sincerity, and do not leave any item or statement unanswered.

1 Extraverted, enthusiastic:
2 Angry, argumentative:
3 Reliable, self-disciplined:
4 Anxious, easily upset:
5 Open to new experiences, multifaceted:
6 Reserved, quiet:
7 Understanding, affable:
8 Disorganized, careless:
9 Serene, emotionally stable:
10 Traditional, with “feet on the ground”:

Please answer all questions before moving to the next page.

This is the interpretation of the results based on your answers.

Your style of loving is .

In what facets does your style of loving stand out?




As for your personality, compared to other people, your answers suggest that you may be a person who tends to be: